Number of Results Found: 46 - when searching for child health
CAMHS learning co-ordinators (CLCs) Over the last few years, NES has been building a network of CLCs across the NHS boards to support the development of trainin…
Key themes Infant, child, adolescent and family development, including neurodiversity Engaging with children, young people and families Assessment, formulation…
What we do A key priority in Scotland is the delivery of safe and high-quality maternity and neonatal care and we work in partnership with a range of profession…
A new ‘Early Intervention Framework’ should help staff across Scotland make better informed decisions around children and young people’s mental health and well-…
Let’s Introduce Anxiety Management (LIAM) LIAM is a staged training offer intended to develop skills in the delivery of a CBT-informed approach for the treatme…
NES, Scottish Government, Education Scotland have launched the first in a suite of resources, to upskill people who work with children/young people.
Psychology of Parenting Programme (PoPP) The Psychology of Parenting Programme (PoPP) works collaboratively with Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs) across …
Current training portfolio The programme includes core and advanced skills-based workshops, bitesize talks and e-learning and online resources for paediatric an…
Giving families the best start with the Family Nurse Partnership page of the NHS Education for Scotland website.
Infant Mental Health The recognition of the Scottish Government of the life-long impact of the early years, and their commitment to ensuring that all infants …
Applied psychology professional programmes We provide funding in partnership with Health Boards for a variety of training programmes across Scotland. Trainees …
The individual and team values for the people who work in the NES Parenting Team identified at a recent team development day are shown in the image below. We ar…
Scottish subject benchmark statement: Clinical psychology and applied psychology (clinical associate) Scotland A joint initiative between the Scottish Executiv…
MAP of Health Behaviour Change Learning Programme MAP stands for Motivation, Action and Prompts. We know that for a behaviour change to occur and to be maintai…
In addition to this NES also promote educational enhancement through partnership working and by informing, sharing, improving and sustaining strategies for key …
Matrix The NES/SG (2023) The Matrix: A Guide to delivering Effective Psychological Therapies and Interventions in Scotland was launched in November 2023. Key ro…
About our work Our aim is to collaborate, create learning resources, and deliver training, consultation and support to improve knowledge and skills to enable ne…
NES and Public Health Scotland (PHS), have produced a new learning resource for vaccinators - Introduction to Flu. The resource is structured into four units, …
Clinical Effectiveness Clinical Effectiveness workstream, operates within the Dental Directorate. The primary aim of the workstream is to support dental teams …
What is Social Care? Social care means all forms of personal and practical support for children, young people and adults who need extra support. It describes s…
Dental Core Training Recruitment for Dental Core Training 1, 2 and 3 for posts commencing in September 2024 is now complete. Information for the next round of r…
The Psychological Therapies 'Matrix' is a guide to planning and delivering evidence-based Psychological Therapies and Interventions in Scotland. The Matrix prov…
Official workforce statistics for the core NHSScotland workforce, Psychology Services and CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) have been publishe…
What we mean by unpaid carers We all meet and work with carers every day. By carers we mean people of any age who provide unpaid care to another person – they a…
Official workforce statistics for the core NHSScotland workforce, psychology services and CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health services) were released by N…
It is the duty of every Corporate Parent to: be alert to matters which, or which might, adversely affect the wellbeing of applicable children and young people.…
Background NES TIPS-EIC applies Implementation Science principles to engage with a range of stakeholders to deliver early, evidence-based interventions to child…
Public Health Scotland (PHS) and NES work together to support the education and development of the workforce across health, care and the wider public sector in …
Jim Boyle has been appointed as Director of Finance at NHS Education for Scotland (NES), from 1 February 2022. Jim currently works at Stirling Council, where h…
Over 2000 former health and social care staff sign up in first 2 days A new portal is now available to make it easier for former health and social care staff an…
This year brought the mental health and wellbeing needs of our health and social care workforce into a new focus. Mental health has been a priority for us as an…
New data shows that there is strong demand for suicide prevention education from staff working across our public sector, including those in health local authori…
NES hosted a celebration for the first nationally commissioned cohort of BSc Paramedic Students in Scotland achieving their third and final year of study. The e…
The national Everyone Matters Pulse Survey report is now available. The survey covered all of Scotland’s 22 Health Boards and 30 Health and Social Care Partners…
NES has received confirmation of funding from the Scottish Government to support the expansion of psychology training and service posts for the NHS in Scotland.…
Two Scottish entries enjoyed success at the Student Nursing Times Awards 2021 which took place at a ceremony in London on 4 November. NHS Greater Glasgow & …
When Scotland’s 12,500 strong Allied Health Professions (AHP) workforce faced the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the priority was to maintain patient care…
NHS education for Scotland NES Mobile Skill unit at UCI world championships 2023 in Scotland
Over the last year the number of children and young people presenting to Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and admitted to hospital with ea…
Following last year’s launch of the Early Intervention Framework for Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing website, further guidance on its us…
Promoting the role of the Healthcare Support Worker in Allied Health Professions page on the NHS Education for Scotland website
The Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme (SDCEP) is a well-regarded source of user-friendly, evidence-based clinical guidance. 2024 marks SDCEP’s tw…
Thursday 14 October is AHP’s day.Colleagues across 14 allied health professions (AHP’s), the third largest clinical workforce in the NHS, will come together to …
After over eighteen months of development including consultation and engagement with individuals and groups across the country, Scotland’s first Bereavement Cha…
Media statement: Scotland launches its first human rights-based Charter for Bereavement Embargoed 00:01 Wednesday 15 April 2020 A Bereavement Charter for Childr…