The Quality Management of the Practice Learning Environment (QMPLE) web resource is developed by NHS Education for Scotland. QMPLE is used by all universities and practice learning environments across Scotland. It provides access to and reporting of data relating to the quality of nursing and midwifery practice learning experiences.
This includes providing nationally consistent approaches to:
- Student feedback on their practice learning experiences
- Quality Standards for Practice Learning (QSPL) audits and action plans
- Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) educational audits
What does the system do?
It will provide real-time information and reports on student placements and student feedback. The system is accessible to universities, practice and students.
- It allows students to complete their feedback which will be visible to practice staff a short time later. The system provides a built-in collated report on student feedback for each area and these can also be collated to provide reports at hospital and board level
- NMC educational audits and QSPL audits can also be completed online and readily available to both the practice and the university
- Up to date information is readily available to students who can use the system to access placement information and download any placement induction packs.
Why is student feedback important?
Student feedback is important, to not only supervisors and assessors, but also to senior charge nurses/midwives, team leaders, senior nurses and university staff. As it provides evidence that can be used to:
- ensure that students' learning needs are being met in a safe environment
- inform planning of future practice learning experiences
- identify areas for improvements and promote areas of excellence which can be shared with others
- provide evidence of quality learning within the Excellence in Care initiative (Scottish Government, 2015)
- provide valuable feedback to supervisors and assessors on the work they do with students and it can be used as evidence for reflection as part of Nursing and Midwifery Council Revalidation (NMC, 2015).
User guides
A range of user guides are in the process of being created to assist users during the roll out of the QMPLE system. Please find the completed and available user guides linked below:
- What is QMPLE [PDF]
- How to view and action student feedback [PDF]
- Adding a new learning environment [PDF]
- How to allocate a student to a practice assessor [PDF]
- How to complete an educational audit [PDF]
- How to set up your dashboard [PDF]
- How to add a Practice Education Role [PDF]
- How to add a Practice Education Facilitator [PDF]
- How to add a Board Member [PDF]
- How to reset your password [PDF]
- QMPLE A-Z Glossary Guide [PDF]
Contact details
External Links
Last updated: 28/03/2024