It is crucial that families are supported to have positive mental health and well-being during the perinatal period (from conception to one year after a baby is born). Untreated perinatal mental health problems present a major public health concern and can have long-term impacts on the physical and mental health outcomes of mothers, babies, partners, and families.
In 2019, the Scottish Government launched a programme of work to increase the provision of perinatal mental health services to women in Scotland. NES is supporting this agenda with workforce expansion and training.
The Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Curricular Framework
This framework sets out the levels of knowledge and skills required by the Scottish workforce to promote well-being and good mental health during the perinatal period and to intervene when mental ill-health is present. The framework was a collaboration with partners, stakeholders and those with lived experience of perinatal mental health problems and is intended to support the identification of workforce training needs.
Find the perinatal mental health curricular framework on Turas Learn.
Training Plans
To take a look at our latest training plans, click on the links below.
- Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Training Plan [PDF]
- HV Training Plan [PDF]
- Infant Mental Health Training Plan
Perinatal and Infant Mental Health e-learning Resources
Perinatal and Infant Mental Health e-learning Modules
The overall aim of these seven e-learning modules is to provide a highly detailed introduction to staff working at “Enhanced” and “Specialist levels” within the Perinatal Mental Health Curricular Framework.
Learners may work in Mother and Baby Units, Perinatal CMHTs, Neonatal units or have specialist Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Roles.
Some modules may be relevant for staff in “Informed” and “Skilled” roles.
These modules complement our original NES Maternal Mental Health Modules
NES Maternal Mental Health Modules
- Understanding Maternal Mental Health
- Maternal Mental Health – The Woman’s Journey
- IMH Online Module: Developing Positive Early Attachments [PDF]
NES e-learning for Neonatal Teams
- Psychosocial interventions for neonatal healthcare staff : identifying and managing parental distress in a neonatal unit | Turas | Learn (
- Psychosocial interventions for neonatal healthcare staff : communication skills | Turas | Learn (
Webinars: Maternity and Neonatal Considerations for Perinatal Mental Health Services
Our series of neonatal and maternity webinars for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Services can be accessed via Turas
Further Resources Relevant to Perinatal and Infant Mental Health
- NES 1 out of 4 e-learning module on Turas learn
- NES module on developing your trauma-skilled practice on Turas Learn.
- Perinatal managed clinical network website
- NES Infant Mental Health
NES Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Programme
To learn more about our programme of work, take a look at the following:
Contact us
For more information on the resources or the perinatal workforce training plan, please contact
Last updated: 02/10/2024