The practice education team supports learning and education for nurses and midwives in practice across Scotland.
Supporting learning in practice
We develop resources and networks to help those in practice education support roles to provide quality learning experiences for pre-registration nurses and midwives and other learners.
Our work contributes to the NES Strategic Framework 2023-2026 [PDF] through "supporting an excellent learning environment where there is better access to education for all healthcare staff" and by ensuring there are "consistently well-developed educational support roles and networks to enable education across the workplace".
We all work together to develop resources enhancing the quality and range of practice-based learning for:
- educators
- practice supervisors
- practice assessors
- pre-registration nursing and midwifery students
Helping them to provide safe, effective, person-centred quality care.
Across NHS Scotland there is a unique network of practice education staff across NES, NHS Boards and universities that deliver nursing and midwifery education.
The NES practice education team works in partnership with colleagues from practice and education providers to create networks that support nurses and midwives across Scotland.
Within the networks there are a number of roles, each with something different to contribute. This includes:
Senior educators (practice education coordinators)
How To Use The Enabling Professionalism Framework [PDF]
Enabling Professionalism [PDF]
Contact us
Last updated: 25/09/2020