Paperless Placement for University of Dundee Nursing Students
A new digital tool developed by NES Technology Service (NTS) in collaboration with NES Nursing and Midwifery pre-registration and practice education team, has been piloted by nursing students at the University of Dundee.
The team have created e-Pad (Electronic Placement Assessment Documents) - a digital app which allows nursing students to electronically record practice learning progress and achievement of learning outcomes throughout their placements. The e-Pad app replaces a 350-page paper version of the Pad and is easily accessed using a laptop or mobile device via the Turas platform.
Morag Robertson, Senior Product Manager NES Technology Service said:
"The e-Pad app is built using cloud based technology, specifically the Microsoft Azure platform, and the software is supported by the .NET Framework. It captures evidence which supports skills, procedures and proficiencies demonstrated during a student placement and retains standardised wording required by the Nursing & Midwifery Council.
“All e-Pad activity is led by the student nurse, who can provide access to supervisors and assessors via their Turas account. Feedback has been extremely positive, a big plus is that e-Pad rather than the paper pad means that students on virtual placements can be supported too.”
Mandatory learning can be updated in e-Pad along with the option to upload documents to the student’s personal library. Educators can review, provide feedback and sign off student submissions via e-Pad.
Julie Smith, Practice Learning Lead, University of Dundee added:
“The convenience of e-Pad has been welcomed by our students who previously had to carry around huge folders of paperwork on their nursing placements.
“Likewise staff have commented on the benefits of being able to easily review and provide feedback to students during their placements.”
January, 24 2024