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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Digital Health and Care Leadership Programme Cohort 24

Digital Health and Care Leadership Programme Cohort 24

Digital Health and Care Leadership Programme Cohort 24

The application process for Cohort 24 of our Digital Health and Care Leadership Programme (DLP) starting in August 2024 is now open.

Designed for anyone who would like to develop their leadership skills and is interested in digital health and care, we welcome applications from employees in NHS Scotland, social care, social work, housing, charities and the third sector. More information about the programme, including application guidance can be found on the DLP site

✅ Fully funded places

There is no cost to the applicant or the organisation.  Places are fully funded by Scottish Government as part of the Building Digital Skills and Leadership Programme.

The programme is also delivered virtually with no travel required.

✅ Team applications welcome  

As part of the programme, applicants will develop and lead on a digital improvement project within their organisation / department / team.  We encourage teams to apply together to share the journey and learning. This can include a mix of roles within a team.

✅ Expert led learning sessions

There are 9 live online learning sessions during the programme covering a range of topics including: User-led Service Design, Leadership and Change Management. 

✅ Networking opportunities

Participants will have direct access to experts in the field of digital health and care throughout the programme, including facilitators and speakers at learning sessions.

On completion you will join the wider DLP Alumni community, be invited to alumni events and help to shape the future of the programme.

✅ Peer support sessions

The support sessions provide the opportunity for small groups to meet in a safe space to share your experiences, progress with your project, raise any issues, and learn from each other.

Our most recent cohort spread includes 28 different organisations, with professional groups including AHPs, Project Management, Administrative Roles, Nursing and Midwifery, Dentistry, Psychology, Medicine and Social Care.

As part of the programme, participants will develop and lead a digital improvement project in their organisation. There will be an opportunity to develop project ideas in the early stages of the programme, and you can find projects from past participants on our DLP site.

The application deadline for Cohort 24 is Monday 1 July.

Any queries should be directed to  and you can also follow the programme on X at @nes_dlp.


June, 06 2024