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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

NHS Education for Scotland / Scottish Government Healthcare Science Annual Conference 2025

10, 20 and 25 February and 7 March 2025

NHS Education for Scotland / Scottish Government Healthcare Science Annual Conference 2025

Who should attend?

This event is suitable for all colleagues within our Healthcare Science (HCS) community across NHS Scotland and beyond.


Monday 10 February, 9.00 am - 10.30 am
Webinar 1 Topic:  HCS Strategic Approach 
(Registration deadline: REGISTRATION CLOSED)

Thursday 20 February, 10.00 am - 11.45 am
Webinar 2 Topic:  HCS Education
(Registration deadline: REGISTRATION CLOSED)

Tuesday 25 February, 1.00 pm - 2.45 pm
Webinar 3 Topic:  HCS Leadership
(Registration deadline: 18 February)

Friday 7 March, 10.00 am - 11.30 am
Webinar 4 Topic:  Innovation in HCS
(Registration deadline: 28 February)

Please see speaker biographies opposite and tabs below for posters, programme and event flyer/session descriptors. 


Our Event
This event is a collaboration between NHS Education for Scotland and Scottish Government, providing an eclectic mix of themed sessions hosted online on MS Teams in February/March 2025. We hope this online format presents increased flexibility and accessibility, particularly for our colleagues in remote and rural locations. Regardless of identity or specialism, it is an opportunity to hear about topics of interest to our HCS community and to contribute to it. Our event is completely free and also offers trainees the opportunity to showcase their poster work.



Poster Competition for Trainees 

Can you design an engaging poster that clearly communicates and celebrates research or innovation within your HCS specialism or service? Communicate the science, engineering or technology involved, explain why your innovation is so significant and how it has a positive impact on patient outcomes. Our poster competition is open to all current HCS trainees with a National Training Number.

We recommend using Microsoft PowerPoint or Canva to design posters, they should be saved in PDF format and submitted to by Friday 31 January 2025. This is to enable them to be judged by our panel in advance of the event.

Posters will be displayed in an online gallery and 3 winners will be chosen to give 10-minute presentations during our last session on Friday 7 March. Regardless of whether you win, we plan to use all submitted posters during our Healthcare Science Week campaign in March 2025. There will be prizes of £200, for individual submissions, or up to £500 for joint submissions of up to 3 trainees, towards CPD support.

Closing Date for Poster Submissions: Friday 31 January 2025*
*Please send poster pdfs to:


Closing Date for Registering: One week prior to each session - please see above.


NES Conference Team, NHS Education for Scotland

Please use this email address for healthcare science conference related queries. For all other queries please email: Thank you.

Additional information