We support nurses and midwives to return to practice.
Return to practice is the process for readmission to the nursing and midwifery register.
The NMC has a number of requirements for this.
You can find detailed information on this process on the Nursing and Midwifery Council website.
Please note:
Return to Practice is designed for candidates that have previously held an NMC registration in the United Kingdom.
If you have studied nursing and midwifery outwith the UK and have never held an NMC registration you must follow the process outlined by the NMC here - Trained outside the UK
The Scottish Government supports those wishing to return to the NMC register.
They have introduced a new funding model where candidates apply to an NHS Board or independent employer (for example, care home) for a returner vacancy.
The Scottish Government will fund programme fees for candidates employed under certain conditions.
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) manage the nursing and midwifery Return to Practice education provision on behalf of Scottish Government.
The return to practice programme is offered by Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU).
Enquiries can be made for details of their pre-recruitment event by emailing returntopractice@gcu.ac.uk
Presentations and discussions from the NMC Webinar held on 13 December 2022 are detailed below:
Linda Everet from the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) discusses the options available to those thinking about moving from the Temporary Register to the permanent NMC Register or returning to practice after a lapse in registration.
Shona Gray, a graduate returner from Robert Gordon University discusses her experiences of studying and re-joining the register.
Paul Edwards, a graduate returner from Glasgow Caledonian University
shares his thoughts on what undertaking the return to practice programme was like and how he feels about returning to nursing.
An alternative to a Return to Practice Course it to undertake the NMC approved Test of Competence consisting of a computer-based test (CBT) and an Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE). You will find information about the test at the below link
There are currently no NMC test centres in Scotland so travel would be necessary. Unfortunately, at present, there are no funding initiatives for the test of competence but this is currently being looked at.
It may have been some time since you have considered applying for a post. Below you will find some helpful resources that may help refresh your knowledge and consider some key points of an effective application.
You may want to start with the ‘How to Apply’ section in the NHS Careers website. While this has been designed with NHS Scotland staff in mind there are elements and information relevant to all applications.
You may also find the My World of Work site useful as it covers a range of information and guides on looking for a new post, including interview skills.
Q. Can I apply directly to the university for a place on the course?
A. You can but you will not be eligible for a fully funded place and will need to cover the costs. In order to access a fully funded place you must apply for a return to practice vacancy within a Health Board or Care Home. You will find information on where to find the vacancies and key contacts below.
Q. I have had previous NMC restrictions on my practice, can I still apply?
A. You can still apply. We would advise an honest and transparent discussion as early as possible with the local RtP lead and the programme lead at your university of choice.
Q. What references will I require for my application?
A. You should attempt to use a reference from your previous nursing/midwifery role. If you cannot reach your previous manager, your former human resource (HR) department may be able to help.
Irene Kennedy at Glasgow Caledonian University (Web page currently being updated)
Debra Heron at NHS Ayrshire & Arran
Practice Education Team at NHS Borders
Christina Hoare at NHS Dumfries & Galloway
Mairi McKinley at NHS Fife (Website)
Ann Johnstone at NHS Forth Valley
Emma-Louise Kerr at Golden Jubilee National Hospital
Laura Reid or Lindsey Gillespie at NHS Grampian
David Lamont at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
John Sinclair at NHS Highlands and Islands
Becky Moran or Heather Lyle at NHS Lanarkshire
Return to Practice Team at NHS Lothian (Website)
Sam Thomas at NHS Orkney
Anna Morrison at NHS Western Isles (Website)
Last updated: 27/09/2020