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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

General practice nursing (GPN)

We provide education and development opportunities for nurses working in general practice teams.

Our work

Find more information about the General Practice Nurse Network, CPD opportunities and the General Practice Nursing Programme at The Scotland Deanery

Courses are available on NES Portal or via CPD Connect

Other learning opportunities are available through Turas Learn

Commissioned Education

We offer fully funded, accredited university modules in the following subjects, and these are available to book now:

  • Minor Injuries - University of the Highlands & Islands - SCQF Level 9 & 11 - Dates TBC.
  • Minor Illness - University of Dundee - SCQF Level 9 & 11 - Dates TBC.
  • Long Term Conditions - The University of Dundee Long Term Conditions module will not be funded in 2024/25.
  • Diabetes - The Edinburgh Napier University diabetes module will not be funded in 2024/25. However a new diabetes module is available from NES CPD Connect and offers free places to GPNs. Information is available here [DOCX] and any enquiries to
  • Sexual Health - Sexual and Reproductive Health eLearning module is now available from CPD Connect here and any queries to

Funded Courses

Please note funding is limited and not all requests may be approved, funding will be allocated on a first come first served basis and is limited to one module per nurse in the first instance.

Modules eligible for funding for 2024/25 (modules commencing 1st April 2024 - 31st March 2025) are master's level (SCQF Level 11) in the following topics:

  • V300 Prescribing
  • Advanced Clinical Assessment/Decision Making
  • Leadership
  • Research
  • Work based skills and innovative practice

Dissertation is not eligible for GPN funding 2024/25.

For full criteria and the application please visit:

GPN Education Pathway

NES offers a structured work-based blended education pathway to support the development of registered nurses employed in the general practice nursing role.

The GPN Education Pathway is delivered over twelve months via online facilitated learning sessions, directed and experiential work-based learning and is accredited by Queen Margaret University.

Further details on the GPN Education Pathway and how to apply can be found here on GPN Education Pathway page

GPN CPD Resource

This learning resource supports senior general practice nurses across Scotland to update their knowledge and skills as required for the refocused national role.

Turas Learn general practice nurse CPD resource - Resource updated November 2021.

GPN Education Needs Analysis May 2021

Summary results informing GPN education provision in 2021/2022 are available here [PPTX]


Coaching is a safe, confidential process that aims to improve individual performance and focuses on the here and now. It helps:

  • develop your self-awareness
  • obtain a better work-life balance
  • handle conflict
  • think about different ways of doing things
  • improve your relationships with colleagues

Find more information and access coaching via the Scottish coaching collaborative

Contact us



Last updated: 25/07/2024

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