Our staff are our most important resource in NES. We want to have an inclusive workplace culture where all our differences are respected and valued. We should be able to be ourselves at work and feel like we belong.
Staff Equality Networks
Equality Networks offer opportunities for staff to join together to progress work on equality and inclusion in the workplace. They offer a source of peer support, networking and development, as well as the opportunity to inform and influence our organisational culture and practice.
The networks are led by staff members sharing a protected characteristic and also welcome participation by allies committed to advancing equality. Our networks are open to NES staff and trainees. NES has the following active networks:
- NES Disability, Long-term Conditions, Mental Health and Neurodiversity Network
- NES LGBTQ+ Network
- NES Parents and Carers Network
- NES Under-represented Ethnic Minority Network
- NES Neurodivergent Doctors and Dentists in training Peer Network
Carer Positive status
Carer Positive is funded by the Scottish Government. The award includes three levels or stages: from ‘Engaged’ to ‘Established’ through to ‘Exemplary’. We have now been awarded the second level ‘Established’.
The Carer Positive status is awarded to employers who can provide evidence that they meet criteria in 5 areas:
- Identification of carers: There is good understanding of what the term ‘carer’ means, and a system is in place to enable carers to identify themselves.
- Policy: Carers are recognised within HR policies or procedures.
- Workplace support: Carers can access practical workplace support or can access information about external support and services.
- Communication, awareness raising & training: Policies and available support are communicated to all members of staff.
- Peer support: Carers are supported to engage with other carers.
Disability Confident status
NES is a Disability Confident Employer. This scheme aims to help employers attract and make the most of the skills and talents of disabled people. It was developed by employers and disabled people’s representatives.
Equally Safe at Work accreditation
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) is currently working towards Equally Safe at Work accreditation, an employer accreditation programme developed by Close the Gap. It supports employers to improve their employment practice and policy to advance gender equality at work and prevent violence against women.
To achieve the standards for accreditation, NES will need to satisfy criteria categorised into six key themes which align with women’s workplace equality:
- Leadership
- Occupational segregation
- Data
- Workplace culture
- Violence against women (VAW)
- Flexible working