The NES women, children, young people and families team support education and learning for a wide range of the health and care workforce across Scotland.
Our work includes clinical skills education in midwifery and maternity services; Family Nurse Partnership education programme; continuing professional development for Child Health Nurses, Allied Health Professionals, School Nurses, Health Visitors and Family Nurses; and inter-professional learning for those working with women, children and young people.
What we do
A key priority in Scotland is the delivery of safe and high-quality maternity and neonatal care and we work in partnership with a range of professionals and services to design and deliver relevant, accessible and flexible education and training.
We develop resources, networks and collaborative learning opportunities which contribute to policy and evidence-based practice and the delivery of safe, effective and person-centred care. This involves working in partnership with our colleagues across NES, Scottish Government, service and education leads, 3rd sector organisations, trade unions and internationally with the Family Nurse Partnership – all of which help us to ensure the quality of education that meets the evolving needs of the workforce.
Our work is underpinned by Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) to promote and uphold children’s rights in Scotland. Through education we support children and young people’s health, wellbeing and development and recognise the key role health and care professionals have in improving health and wellbeing outcomes and reducing health inequalities.
Proactively contributing to child and maternal health through a family-centred approach informs our aims and ambitions.
Contact us
Please contact for further information.
Last updated: 07/10/2020