Spiritual Care is provided by all who work in health and social care as well as by patients, carers and friends.
The role of specialist spiritual care providers - healthcare chaplains - includes helping to resource, enable and affirm colleagues of different disciplines in their delivery of spiritual care. Significantly this involves supporting them in reflecting on their own spirituality and that of patients and their carers.
In the field of Spiritual Care, NES has the following roles:
- Continuing professional development of healthcare chaplains
- Developing educational resources to enhance the delivery of spiritual care by the health and social care workforce in Scotland
- Helping to promote an evidence base for spiritual care which informs best practice
You can find out more on our TURAS learn zone
Academic/professional courses
- PG Certificate in healthcare chaplaincy
- MTh (Glasgow)
- MTh (Cardiff)
- MSc Palliative Care (Napier)
Related documents
- Spiritual care matters - an introductory resource for all NHSScotland staff [PDF]
- Religion and belief matter - an information resource for healthcare staff [PDF]
- Standards for NHSScotland chaplaincy services
- Spiritual and religious care capabilities and competences for healthcare chaplains [PDF]
- Spiritual care CEL (2008) [PDF]
- A multi-faith resource for healthcare staff [PDF]
Contact us
If you have any queries about Values Based Reflective Practice® please email:
If your query is about Community Chaplaincy Listening please email:
Last updated: 28/05/2021