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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Repurposing educational resources on Turas Learn for the social care workforce

Repurposing educational resources on Turas Learn for the social care workforce image

NES has been asked to advance specific projects of work, aligned to Scottish Government priorities and to the ambitions of the National Health and Social Care Workforce Strategy ( The Strategy aims to build a sustainable, skilled, and compassionate workforce that meets the health and social care needs of Scotland’s population. 

The Repurposing Turas Learn project will deliver improved educational opportunities for the social care workforce to support their learning and professional development and to equip the workforce with greater confidence and capability.  


Over the coming months, we will: 

  • Repurpose existing Turas Learn content for the social care sector by identifying suitable, existing learning resources and adapting them in planned phases. 


  • Ensure functionality of learning resources that enables social care learners to use a QR code to upload completed modules to the Scottish Social Services Council’s MyLearning platform. 


Revisit this space for updates on resources that have been repurposed for the social care workforce and for other news about the project.  

If you would like to know about the work of the Turas Repurposing project or the work of the Social Care directorate, please get in touch via

Last updated: Thursday, October 10, 2024

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