Since 2012, we have been developing a programme of work aimed at addressing the training needs of the NHS Scotland workforce in relation to psychological interventions in physical health care.
The objective has been to encourage a stepped care model of delivery; a key part of which has been to deliver train the trainers packages to applied psychologists working in physical health settings, alongside the provision of eLearning modules and training directly to non-psychologists.
A summary of the training to support person-centred care [PDF] is available and more information on training programmes can be found on TURAS Learn.
Related documents
The following documents have been commissioned to address the evidence base for psychosocial interventions in physical health and the competencies required to deliver such interventions. These include:
The Matrix (2015) A Guide to Delivering Evidence-Based Psychological Therapies in Scotland; Persistent Physical Symptoms
Please find the evidence tables for persistent physical symptoms [PDF].
- The section of the Matrix relating to the psychological management of persistent physical symptoms was updated in 2015. Persistent Physical Symptoms refers to health problems that last a year or longer, impact on a person’s life, and may require ongoing care and support. The definition does not relate to any one condition, care group or age category. Common examples include diabetes, heart disease, chronic pain, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
The Physical Health workstream coordinated the publication of the following research article:"A systematic review of economic analyses of psychological interventions and therapies in health-related settings". The paper explores the cost-effectiveness of various psychological interventions and therapies for a range of long term health conditions, such as diabetes, chronic pain, cancer, and cardiac conditions. It is hoped the paper will be helpful for service managers in the planning and design of services, as well as informing practitioners of the most recent evidence base. (Click here [PDF] for the 2015 version of the paper)
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Last updated: 27/09/2020