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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Whistleblowing standards

The National Whistleblowing Standards set out how the Independent National Whistleblowing Officer (INWO) expects all NHS service providers to handle concerns that are raised with them and which meet the definition of a ‘whistleblowing concern’. 

Whistleblowing is defined in the Standards as when a person ‘raises a concern that relates to speaking up, in the public interest, about an NHS service, where an act or omission has created, or may create, a risk of harm or wrong-doing'.  

NES supports a culture where speaking up is encouraged.  Any employee (former or current), bank or agency worker, contractor, trainee, student, volunteer or those engaging with our services can raise a whistleblowing concern. 

We want everyone to feel comfortable raising issues of concern and confident that those issues will be investigated fully and impartially.  Nobody will be unfairly treated for raising a concern, for having a whistleblowing allegation made against them or for cooperating with any investigation.  

For more information on Whistleblowing please contact or refer to the NES Feedback, Complaints and Whistleblowing section at