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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Independent prescribing, consultation and clinical assessment skills training

NES Pharmacy supports Pharmacist Independent Prescribers (PIPs) both within their training period , in implementation of their training into practice once they have qualified and those returning to prescribing practice. We commission both Schools of Pharmacy in Scotland to organise and run Independent Prescriber courses each year. Pharmacists who practise in Scotland can apply to NES Pharmacy via their health board leads for funding to undertake these courses. Health board contact details, course dates and resources when applying for the Independent Prescribing course can be found at the TURAS Learn Independent Prescribing: Resources page. This includes information on Designated Prescribing Practitioners.

Health boards prioritise NES-funded places on IP courses in response to local service need. NES do not cover funding for applicants who self-fund or have previously been provided with a NES-funded place.

For those returning to independent prescribing practice after not actively prescribing, guidance and resources can be found on TURAS Learn Independent Prescribing : Resources page.

NES Pharmacy are preparing for the integration of independent prescribing into the Foundation Training Year so that newly qualified pharmacists are prescribers. For more information visit Pharmacy GPhC Initial Education and Training reforms for 2025-26 - Communications page | Turas | Learn (

If you require any additional information, please email

IT support with Microsoft 365 applications

The Independent Prescribing courses are delivered via online/distance learning, should you need some additional resources for Microsoft applications there are a number of Microsoft resources available.

For pharmacists with a Microsoft 365 licence ( email address), you should be able to access training sessions at the M365 skills hub which has a range of great resources covering Word, Excel and M365 etc. Alternatively, there are training videos at the Microsoft training website.

Consultation and clinical skills

NES fund courses to support pharmacist independent prescribers in training to develop appropriate consultation and clinical skills. Dundee Clinical Skills Centre co-ordinate these courses on our behalf. Courses run in locations across the country- Clydebank, Dundee, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Dunfermline and Inverness in partnership with medical schools, NHS Academy and NHS education teams.

NES- funded pharmacist independent prescribers in training are allocated a place on three and a half days of clinical and consultation skills training spread over several months. Post-registration foundation pharmacists are likely to attend these courses as a pre-requisite to gaining an IP course place. Consultation and clinical skills courses are a requirement of your NES funding agreement to undertake IP however, are NOT part of the University IP course and are not required for the IP practice certificate. Community Pharmacy Scotland support attendance at consultation and clinical skills courses for NES funded community pharmacist IP trainees as part of preparing to deliver NHS Pharmacy First Plus.

If you are a community pharmacist unsure of whether you need to attend NES consultation and clinical skills training as part of NHS Pharmacy First Plus service specification, for guidance on the most appropriate action, please read Clinical skills training for community pharmacists | Turas | Learn (

Visit the clinical assessment skills videos on TURAS Learn to prepare for the course.

Skills for Pharmacy First Plus

NES Pharmacy in collaboration with Community Pharmacy Scotland support qualified community pharmacist independent prescribers to enhance their clinical and consultation skills for delivering NHS Pharmacy First Plus. To arrange support from a Teach and Treat hub, contact Community Pharmacy Scotland at Visit Teach and treat for common clinical conditions on TURAS Learn for information on Teach and Treat Hubs and resources to support delivery of the NHS Pharmacy First Plus service.