NES design and deliver training in person centred care for staff working across health, social care and third sector organisations in Scotland
What is person centred care
Person centred care is about ensuring the people who use our services are at the centre of everything we do. It is delivered when health and social care professionals work together with people, to tailor services to support what matters to them. It ensures that care is personalised, co-ordinated and enabling so that people can make choices, manage their own health and live independent lives, where possible.
Why is person centred care important?
1. Person-centred care supports people who use health and care services to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to effectively make informed decisions and be involved in their own health and care. It helps and enables people to agree the health and wellbeing outcomes they want to achieve
2. For staff person centred care means working with people and learning what is important to them. This includes offering accurate information on their care, treatment risks, choices and benefits, self-management strategies, treatment and care options
Evidence for practice
There are positive associations between patient experience and measures of the technical quality of care and adverse events. In a recent study, it was more common to find positive associations between person centred patient experience, patient safety and clinical effectiveness than no association. Publication
You can find out more on our TURAS learn zone
Contact us
Twitter: @nespersoncentred
Last updated: Friday, September 29, 2023