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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Patient safety multi-disciplinary group (PSMG)

We provide strategic educational leadership on patient safety science and practice to support the development of learning programmes across NHS Scotland.

The group support improvements in patient safety through educational research, development and delivery.

How we work

The PSMG works across NES and with stakeholders, including territorial and special health boards, to co-design patient safety educational initiatives and contribute to their delivery.

One of our key objectives is to integrate human factors to support patient safety in all areas of patient care.


The resources we have developed can be found in the patient safety zone on Turas Learn.

We have developed resources to support the adoption of a systems-based approach when investigating safety-related issues in health and care and continue to create educational material to increase their impact.

The PSMG supports the development, delivery and evaluation of patient safety resources for qualified professionals and within a variety of vocational training programmes. These include:

  • Methods to identify and respond appropriately to risks to safety.
  • How involve patients in the safety and improvement agenda.
  • Improving communication using structured handover in a primary and secondary care settings.

Contact us

Last updated: 23/09/2020