About nursing and midwifery practice educators
Practice educators (PEs) are nurses and midwives who are employed by NES.
Hosted in each of the territorial health boards across the country, they come from all fields of practice and collectively have significant experience in both practice and education.
This means that although they are NHS Education for Scotland (NES) employees, they are based locally, usually as part of a board’s professional practice and development team. This helps them to be more accessible to nurses, midwives, and support workers in practice.
The aim of nursing and midwifery practice educators
The aim is to support the Scottish nursing and midwifery workforce with their professional learning and development by supporting collaboration, innovation, and inclusive learning.
PEs are part of NES’s vision to support better quality care and outcomes for every person in Scotland through a knowledgeable and skilled workforce. Through education, they support individuals to be the best practitioner possible.
Support in practice
The role supporting the development of the nursing and midwifery workforce takes many forms. It is adaptable and can meet a range of learning and development needs. Here are some examples to help give you a better idea of how we can support individuals, teams or services.
Nursing and midwifery practice educators:
- develop new resources to help individuals, teams, and services meet their learning and development needs. For example, the creation of national and local resources to support practitioners to develop skills in facilitation and clinical supervision.
- use a coaching approach, to help our respective health boards to embed NES resources in practice.
- share and raise awareness of new initiatives, learning resources and opportunities for career development via promotional material and awareness campaigns.
- ensure quality, by making sure resources we develop and deliver adhere to national quality assurance frameworks.
- promote equality and diversity and contribute towards strategies that promote equitable, inclusive education.
- are a first point of contact for information or advice about education or learning and development.
Links to some of our key work streams
Clinical Supervision Facilitation of Learning Preceptorship Professional Portfolio
Key documents that help inform our practice
NES Inclusive education and learning policy
The courage of compassion | The King's Fund (kingsfund.org.uk)
Contact us
It is important to have feedback on our work and NES resources. Help us to develop and deliver education in a way that is right for you by sharing your thoughts and ideas with us. We are a friendly and approachable team and welcome you to get in touch.
For more information or to give feedback please contact: N&MPracticeEducation@nes.scot.nhs.uk
Or get in touch with your local PE directly: Local nursing and midwifery practice educator (PE) contact details
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Last updated: Monday, April 15, 2024