The Psychological Therapies 'Matrix' is a guide to planning and delivering evidence-based Psychological Therapies and Interventions in Scotland.
The Matrix provides a summary of the information on the current evidence base for psychological therapies and interventions for Scottish services, guidance on well-functioning psychological therapies and intervention services, and advice on important governance issues. It is designed to be used by commissioners and managers to support evidence based decision making for service planning and for clinicians to guide collaborative decision making in partnership with people using services.
On 1st November 2023, The Matrix: A Guide for delivering evidence based Psychological Therapies and Intentions in Scotland, an updated joint publication between NES and Scottish Government, was formally launched on a new digital platform. The Matrix update is intended to be an iterative process. The evidence reviews which are available and published reflect the consensus from national experts on what were the most urgent areas for update and we will continue to work with a wide range of stakeholders to complete the remaining evidence reviews that are set out in the resource.
The updated Matrix, although primarily remaining focussed on an accessible summary of the evidence base has expanded further using Implementation Science methodologies to consider the literature in the context of wider factors such as treatment acceptability, cost-effectiveness and resource/training implications. These are included in the new ‘hexagon tools’ available for most of the therapies and interventions which are referenced in the evidence tables.
Critically, this review has also worked to increasingly reflect the perspective of people who use services and this will continue to be a key component of the reviews as they progress to ensure guidance not only reflects the best available evidence but also what is important to people who may benefit from access to psychological therapies and intervention in Scotland.
The new digital version of The Matrix includes additional information on the evidence on delivery of psychological therapies and interventions using technology. This was a change in services underway prior to 2020 but the speed of change has been unprecedented to meet the needs of the population during the COVID pandemic. A review of the evidence for the use of technology-enabled psychological therapies and interventions can also be accessed here as a standalone document [PDF].
If you require further information on any aspect of The Matrix, please contact: .
Where the new digital Matrix has not been updated as yet we ask you to continue to use the version in this site as described in part 2 below.
Delivering evidence-based psychological therapies
Part 1: Delivering evidence-based psychological therapies [PDF]
This section of the Matrix describes the context within which Psychological Therapy is delivered in Scotland, and the structural and governance requirements for any well-functioning Psychological Therapies Service. It is essential reading for the effective delivery of the interventions recommended in Section 2.
It includes chapters on
- the fundamentals of delivering evidence-based Psychological Therapies
- efficient service structures and processes
- training, supervision and governance
- support for change
- key developmental questions for services
Part 2: The evidence tables and how to use them
Part 2: The evidence tables and how to use them [PDF]
Evidence tables:
- Adult mental health [PDF]
- Children and young people [PDF]
- Older people [PDF]
- People with learning disabilities [PDF]
- Forensic services [PDF]
- Neurological disorders [PDF]
- Persistent physical symptoms [PDF]
The Psychological Therapies 'Matrix' project grew out of requests from NHS Boards for advice on commissioning Psychological Therapies in local areas to enable them to plan and provide the most effective available psychological treatments for their particular patient population. The Psychological Therapies 'Matrix' is a guide to planning and delivering evidence-based Psychological Therapies within NHS Boards in Scotland. It provides a summary of the information on the current evidence base for various therapeutic approaches, guidance on well functioning psychological therapies services, and advice on important governance issues.
The Psychological Therapies 'Matrix' has been produced to help NHS Boards:
- Deliver the range, volume and quality of Psychological Therapy required to achieve the HEAT Psychological Therapies Access Target.
- Provide evidence-based psychological interventions in other key government priority areas;
- Summarising the most up-to-date advice on evidence-based interventions;
- Providing information and advice on strategic planning issues in the delivery of efficient and effective Psychological Therapies services;
- Explaining the levels of training and supervision necessary for staff to deliver Psychological Therapies safely and effectively; and
- Describing the additional support available from the Government in terms of related Mental Health initiatives - the Mental Health Quality and Efficiency Support Team (MH QuEST); the Information Services Division (ISD); and NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
As such, it aligns with the ambitions of the NHS Scotland Healthcare Quality Strategy, by promoting the delivery of efficient and effective treatments, and by seeking to minimise wasteful and harmful variations in practice through the clarification of training standards and supervision requirements. In addition, it offers guidance on service structures and governance arrangements necessary to ensure patient safety.
Supporting Technology Enabled Psychological Therapies and Interventions
The move towards delivery of psychological therapies and interventions using technology was underway prior to 2020 but the speed of change has been unprecedented to meet the needs of the population during the COVID pandemic.
A review of the evidence for the use of technology-enabled psychological therapies and interventions has been completed as part of the planned Matrix update which is underway. Given its relevance, it has been published as a standalone document [PDF]. There is also a range of resources to support the safe and effective delivery of evidence-based psychological therapies and interventions in services in Scotland which are available on TURAS Learn.
Last updated: 12/02/2021