The Maternal Health team supports NHSScotland in ensuring that the maternity care workforce, including the wider health and social care sector, support women and families.
What we do
We are responsible for supporting the workforce with:
- educational resources supporting Scottish Government Best Start Review
- educational events and workshops
- clinical supervision
Our resources are hosted in three areas:
The NES Knowledge Network Maternal Health Portal has:
- more information about our work
- access to midwifery-related journal articles and educational materials
- access to our communities of practice
Scottish Multi-professional Maternity Development programme (SMMDP) courses and resources are accessed through their website.
We also have a range of educational resources on Turas Learn
Scottish Multi-professional Maternity Development Programme (SMMDP)
The Best Start: A Five-Year Forward Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Care in Scotland
The Midwifery Workforce and Education Review for Scotland [PDF]
Contact us
Last updated: 27/09/2020