We support the training and development of postgraduate scientist staff and other key groups in the healthcare science workforce.
View our guide to healthcare science disciplines and sub-disciplines
Commissioning of training
View details of our clinical scientist pre-registration training
Our postgraduate scientist trainee cohort includes Pre-registration Clinical Scientists and Practitioner-level (graduate) staff undertaking advanced-practice scientist development.
For Clinical Scientist training, we commission around 20 supernumerary trainees annually to ensure that NHS Scotland has a direct entry postgraduate pathway for able science applicants.
Training involves either 3-year STP or an equivalent M-level programme.
Other postgraduate scientists we support also have a National Training Number and develop attributes reflecting our Common Core List. All postgraduate scientist trainees are subject to an Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) monitoring.
Current funding support initiatives are detailed of this are at our TURAS page
Recruitment to training posts may also be advertised at https://apply.jobs.scot.nhs.uk/vacancies.aspx (see under Health Science services).
Quality monitoring
View quality management of postgraduate training details on the Knowledge Network
NES Healthcare Science is developing basic deanery-like oversight to monitor and quality management training. Our role is in partnership with the Academy for Healthcare Science and with the National School for Healthcare Science.
Oversight of trainees, trainers and workplaces is an important new role for NES Healthcare Science. Standards of Education and Training for STP Clinical Scientist trainees require we satisfy the Academy of Healthcare Science that admissions and practice placement of trainees in Scotland are secure. We must also assure the National School for Healthcare Science that our work-based training environments are monitored and approved.
Combined, our role with that of AHCS and NSHCS is designed to assure that STP training in Scotland is subject to an equivalent quality framework to elsewhere in the UK.
Our approach is to extend this oversight to all HCS training. For STP training, the principles below are mandatory. For other postgraduate-level trainees and practitioner grades, the principles are good-practice.
Continued professional development (CPD)
NES Healthcare Science supports NHS staff who deliver workplace-based training and assessment
Our TURAS Learn website has a range of resources for trainers and staff interested in leadership development, together with specialty specific material.
Advisory group
NES has an Advisory Group to act as its expert group on a range of HCS education and training matters. It is consulted online to critique NES Healthcare Science activity and is used as an external reference group for particular initiatives via email consultations.
The group comprises representatives of the healthcare science strands, education sector, workforce and government stakeholders.
- Healthcare Science Advisory Group membership [PDF]
- Healthcare Science Advisory Group constitution [DOCX]
External links
Related publications
- NES Healthcare Science Annual Report 2022-2023 [PDF]
- Healthcare Science Noticeboard - Edition 35 (December 2023) [PDF]
- Healthcare Science Noticeboard - Edition 36 (April 2024) [PDF]
- Healthcare Science Noticeboard - Edition 37 (June 2024) [PDF]
Contact us
Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @hcsnes
Go to Turas Learn for further learning on healthcare science
Go to Turas Learn websiteLast updated: Friday, June 21, 2024