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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Supervisor support request form

Supervisor support request form

Request for support from NES FTY team by supervisor/other individual

Please complete this form if you request additional support from a member of the NES Pharmacy FTY team regarding a trainee pharmacist.

You can use this form if you have a concern or if you wish to raise on behalf of a trainee pharmacist. You must obtain their consent if you are raising on their behalf. This may include concerns related to health and wellbeing, current training arrangement, supervision or progression of training.

We encourage that requests and concerns are discussed with the trainee pharmacist and internally within your employing organisation in the first instance. This will allow us to provide greater support and may aid earlier resolution. If you have not discussed with them prior to submitting this form, we will encourage you to do so as part of our initial response.

Your request will be received by our administrator who will review it and pass to an appropriate member of the Foundation Training Year team for action. You will receive an initial response from a member of the team within 20 days of your submission.

To allow us to deal with your request efficiently, please ensure you complete all questions below and provide as much detail as you can. You may be contacted by the team if further information is required to allow us to assign your request appropriately.



