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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Corporate parenting

The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 came into force on 01 April 2015.

It is the duty of every Corporate Parent to:

  1. be alert to matters which, or which might, adversely affect the wellbeing of applicable children and young people.
  2. assess the needs of those children and young people.
  3. promote the interests of those children and young people.
  4. seek to provide those children and young people with opportunities to participate in activities designed to promote their wellbeing.
  5. take action to help those children and young people to access appropriate opportunities and services.
  6. take other action, as required, for the purposes of improving the way the corporate parenting function is delivered.

Part 18 (section 96) of the said Act defines the wellbeing of children and young people as those who are (or would be): safe; healthy; achieving; nurtured; active; respected; responsible; and included (commonly referred to as ‘SHANARRI’; the eight wellbeing indicators).

We look forward to working with a range of stakeholders to support improved outcomes for care-experienced children and young people.

Last updated: Monday, May 9, 2022

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