Now is an exciting time for AHPs in NHS Scotland with many opportunities to expand and develop our roles. Education is at the heart of these changes and within NES, we are leading the way for AHP education and development.
In this section, you can access information about our current work, download publications and you will find links to education that are relevant to AHPs on the Turas Learn site.
AHP careers fellowship scheme
The AHP Careers Fellowship Scheme supports career development for the AHP workforce in the public health and social care sector in Scotland. It does this by funding AHP staff to participate in a learning programme and to lead and deliver a work-based project.
View details of the AHP Careers Fellowship Scheme
AHP Workforce
This report produced January-June 2021, explores the challenges and opportunities of workforce planning for AHPs. It sets out the historical context of previous AHP workforce planning initiatives, describes the current national picture, and proposes actions required from NES. There are significant recommendations for action for NES to consider relating to AHPs, in our role as official publisher of workforce statistics as well as our longstanding role in supporting education and learning needs of the workforce.
Allied Health Professional workforce planning [PDF]
Supporting learning in the workplace (AHP practice education)
NES has been supporting the allied health professions with learning in their workplace since 2006. Since that time we have built a network of people dedicated to leading practice education in each of the health boards. We lead projects, develop websites and produce resources to support a wide range of learning and educational activities. We work closely with higher and further education in Scotland to help Allied Health Professionals to maintain good learning and teaching experiences for students within practice settings.
We began life as the 'AHP Practice Education Facilitation (PEF) Programme' and we continue to evolve and shape in response to changes in health care delivery and education. We're here to support you whether you're a Practice Education Lead (PEL), a practice educator or thinking about a career in practice education.
Find out more about what we are doing in our AHP practice education section of the website.
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Last updated: 27/09/2020