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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

AHP public health

The UK AHP Public Health Strategic Framework sets out a vision for the role of AHPs in public health, along with goals to realise the vision.

The Scottish AHP Public Health Strategic Framework Implementation Plan was developed to describe how the UK framework will be put into practice in Scotland and connected to the Public Health Priorities for Scotland.  The plan was launched on 2 August 2022.

Scottish AHP Public Health Strategic Framework Implementation Plan

NES commissioned a scoping exercise to gain insight into how AHPs are currently contributing to public health work and explore the learning needs that will enable AHPs to promote, improve and protect the health and wellbeing of individuals, communities and populations across Scotland.  The report from this work can be found here.

Useful resource links

Public Health Scotland Website

Royal Society for Public Health


The NES scoping report included gathering stories from a range of Allied health professionals and support staff working in Scotland in ways that include a public health approach. The stories are included as appendices within the full report or can be accessed by clicking the links below.

Last updated: Thursday, July 4, 2024

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