Young Scots looking to jobs in health, creative industries and engineering
11,000 young people share career aspirations in Skills Development Scotland research.
Nearly one in five 16-to-18-year-olds in Scotland want jobs in the medicine and health sector when they finish their studies.
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) has published its Pupil Voice research to support the launch of Scottish Careers Week.
SDS surveyed almost 11,000 S4 to S6 pupils - one of the biggest pieces of research of its kind in Scotland.
Nurse, mental health worker, paramedic, midwife and physiotherapist were among the Healthcare related job roles picked out by young people.
Jobs in the Creative Industries including photographer, musician and designer came a close second place in the research. Roles in Engineering, including mechanical and electrical, complete the top 3 most sought-after sectors.
Professor Karen Reid, Chief Executive, NHS Education for Scotland, said:
“I welcome the findings of Skills Development Scotland’s Pupil Voice Research. It’s encouraging that young people are already thinking about specific job roles available in the health and medicine sector.
“The NHS is one of the largest employers in Scotland with over 350 careers to choose from and not all roles need a university degree. NES is increasing education, training and promoting apprenticeships for young people, supporting them to be better prepared for the world of work and to understand the career opportunities available.
“We work closely with Scottish Government, local government, health boards, Health and Social Care Partnerships, the higher education sector, regulators, and other partners to create new roles and services and develop new and exciting career pathways for future generations.”
Read the full SDS news story at Young Scots looking to jobs in health, creative industries and engineering - Skills Development Scotland
Contact: corpcomms@nes.scot.nhs.uk
November, 11 2024