Work in health? Help protect yourself, others and the NHS.
With COVID-19 around, it’s more important than ever to get the flu vaccine. We need to do all we can to protect vulnerable populations from contracting seasonal flu.
Who should have the vaccine?
It’s recommended that anyone who works in healthcare, and is directly involved in patient care, should have the flu vaccine.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- anyone who works in a GP practice, pharmacy, dental surgery or hospital
- workers in paediatric wards, cancer centres and intensive care
- those working in the community, visiting patients at their homes.
Why should I be vaccinated?
Protect yourself:
- Healthcare workers are more likely to be exposed to the flu virus, particularly where there are flu outbreaks in hospitals.
Protect others:
- You can spread flu to patients, colleagues and family or loved ones, even if you have very mild or no symptoms at all.
Protect our NHS:
- Every year in Scotland, thousands of people are hospitalised with flu. Protect yourself and help our NHS avoid the pressure that a spike in seasonal flu would put on top of COVID-19.
Flu is serious. Take action.
Speak to your line manager or occupational health department to get your vaccine. If you have a health condition or are aged 65 or over you are also eligible to receive the free flu vaccine.
For more information visit the NHS inform website
Update/Improve your knowledge of Immunisation and seasonal flu with Turas Learn
NES and Public Health Scotland have developed learning materials and resources on the Scottish Immunisation Programme and Seasonal Flu programme for staff.
Turas Learn has a variety of immunisation resources for registered healthcare practitioners and healthcare support workers. These range from promoting effective immunisation practice elearning modules to videos and presentations. Some are open access while some need a login and password.
There are also a series of educational resources for health and social care staff on the seasonal flu programme and the benefits of flu vaccination. Use them to update your own knowledge and help promote the importance of getting vaccinated among your patients, peers, professional and social networks.
- new resources for Healthcare Support Workers who work with Registered Healthcare Practitioners to deliver the seasonal flu vaccination programme in Scotland
We continue to update and add to these resources so please check Turas Learn regularly or register for a Turas account
Contact: corpcomms@nes.scot.nhs.uk
October, 22 2020