We need your feedback – The Knowledge Network value and impact survey
NES Knowledge Services need your feedback on the resources available on The Knowledge Network - fill out and share our value and impact survey.
It takes 5 to 10 mins to complete and is open until end of March 2024. This will help us continue to provide access to what you need as your answers will directly influence how much money we have and what we spend it on.
The survey is aimed at anyone who uses NHS Scotland’s national collection of digital library resources (evidence summaries, databases, medicines information resources, eJournals, articles and eBooks).
Currently NES spends £3.2M per year on subscriptions to these services providing equity of access to evidence and research for all staff in health and social care on a 'once for Scotland' basis.
To have your say, please complete the survey here.
Please share this text, the link or QR code below with colleagues.
Contact: knowledge@nes.scot.nhs.uk
February, 12 2024