Virtual Delivery of PRPS programme
Are you going to be a pre-registration tutor or have responsibility for pre-registration training during the 20-21 training cohort?
In response to Government guidance on social distancing and mass gatherings, NES Pharmacy have reviewed how the PRPS programme can be delivered virtually this year to ensure that all pre-registration trainees will still have access to the full training programme.
For the 2020/21 training year, pre-registration trainees will no longer be asked to attend regional ‘face to face’ tutorials and will instead be provided with a training programme consisting of online materials and resources along with access to live online webinars and pre-recorded presentations with specialist practitioners. Instead of full day sessions, training will be delivered in small chunks.
Materials will be released as blocks of training each lasting for about 10 weeks. During these blocks, trainees will work their way through materials covering different clinical and professional topics, informed by the GPhC Registration Assessment Framework. The focus of learning will be on application of knowledge in practice and therefore all trainees will be asked to complete a self-assessment of their current knowledge base at the beginning of each block, drawing on their undergraduate knowledge and resources as any identified development needs dictate. Clinical topics deemed ‘HIGH’ weighting by the GPhC registration assessment framework will always be a focus within each training block. However, resources will be available across a range of clinical topics, with trainees having a greater say over which materials best meet their own individual learning needs.
In addition to these clinical and professional topics, trainees will be provided with guidance and resources to help prepare them for the registration assessment, including regular calculations practice and assessment style practice questions. They will also be expected to complete core eLearning modules to equip them for practice.
All resources will be available through our learning platform Turas Learn with trainees given clear guidance on what they should be completing when.
These learning resources will be supported by mandatory facilitated online small group discussion sessions, via Microsoft teams, where trainees will be given the opportunity to explore their own learning whilst also benefiting from discussions with their peers. Monthly ‘Keeping in touch’ sessions with NES Pharmacy will also ensure trainees are supported as they progress through their training.
Further information will be circulated to Tutors and training providers however if you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch via pharmacy@nes.scot.nhs.uk
Please remember that the NES Pharmacy team are here throughout the training year to support trainees, tutors and training providers. If you have any questions or concerns, no matter how small they may seem, please contact us either through your dedicated support PEC or via Pharmacy@nes.scot.nhs.uk
July, 23 2020