Using technology to support people to live longer healthier lives
A new online learning programme developed by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) will help staff increase their knowledge and understanding of the use of technology in the health and care sectors.
‘Using Technology Enabled Care in Practice’ follows on from the first elearning module: ‘Introduction to Technology Enabled Care’. Both resources are available on Turas Learn, the learning platform for health and social care staff.
Technology Enabled Care (TEC) is defined as “where outcomes for individuals in home or community settings are improved through the application of technology as an integral part of quality, cost-effective care and support”.
The new learning programme offers a suite of short elearning modules to support the use of technology enabled care in practice. These include two confidence-rating activities and four sections with short learning bites - small chunks of learning focussed on one topic:
- Pre module Confidence Rating activity
- Section 1: Introduction including module aims
- Section 2: Types of TEC used in Health & Care
- Section 3: Setting Standards (Legislation, Rights and Regulations)
- Section 4: Practice Support Guidelines
- Section 5: Challenges for people, you and your organisation
- Post module Confidence Rating Activity
- Section 6: Next Steps and Further Information
Learners may download a certificate of completion as evidence they have worked through all the modules.
To develop the resources NES led a series of focus groups with representation from health, social care, housing, academia and the Scottish Social Services Council. The goal was to understand the wider workforces learning and development needs and to co-design learning resources for staff in the health and care sector who work in NHS Scotland, local authorities, the voluntary/third sector, the independent (private) sector and/or housing.
Pamela Dimberline, Specialist Lead, Digital Health & Care, NES, said:
“This latest learning programme offers learners a more in depth look at applying Technology Enabled Care in health and care. Workforce education around TEC is one of the key ambitions of Scotland’s National Digital Health and Care Strategy. Staff equipped with the right knowledge, digital skills and understanding can support people to live longer, healthier lives using technology to improve their health and wellbeing.”
“Since we launched Introduction to Technology Enabled Care three years ago over 1500 people have accessed the module.”
To find out more visit the Digital Health and Care learning site on Turas Learn and access the learning programme: Using Technology Enabled Care in Practice .
Contact: corpcomms@nes.scot.nhs.uk
March, 16 2021