Turas Learn has a new homepage
The Turas Learn homepage changed on 22 June 2020.
Working with Learn users our User Experience team created a fresh, simpler design. The collaboration helped us understand the needs and preferences of those accessing our training resources. This included:
- Extensive A/B usability study of a new Homepage and My Learn structure with 27 users
- Illustration survey completed by 769 users
- Highly effective cross-team collaboration across NES to develop the design
A new 'My Learn' section makes it easier to manage what you are planning to do and review what you have done. The homepage emphasises recommended learning based on your organisation or professional group.
’My Learn’ also groups all your learning together, including:
- In progress - return to any unfinished learning
- Booked courses - upcoming face-to-face or virtual course bookings
- Requires renewal - repeat learning to meet legal or organisational requirements
- Learning history - a record of achievement, certificates, and evidence of learning
We hope that the new homepage will make Turas Learn easier and more pleasant to use. As with all our developments, we welcome your feedback to help us continue to improve the service. Please send any comments to learning@nes.scot.nhs.uk
June, 23 2020