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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Supporting remote, rural and island health and wellbeing

Supporting remote, rural and island health and wellbeing

Supporting remote, rural and island health and wellbeing

A year ago this month the National Centre for Remote and Rural Health and Care became operational. Announced as part of planned investment in improving primary care and community services in Scotland, via Scottish Government’s 2023 Programme for Government, it marked a renewed focus on reducing remote, rural and island health and wellbeing inequalities.

NHS Education for Scotland (NES) helps people who work in health and social care to get the education and skills they need to provide good quality care for people in Scotland. As the strategic delivery partner NES received funding from the Primary Care Directorate, Scottish Government. The objective was to design and deliver phase one (2023-2025) of the National Centre for Remote and Rural Health and Care, with a focus on supporting improved remote and rural primary and community healthcare across Scotland.

The centre is doing this by improving the sustainability, capacity, and capability of the remote, rural and island primary care and community-based workforce and service delivery through its Four Pillars of Work: Education and Training, Recruitment and Retention, Leadership and Good Practice, and Research and Evaluation.

Through collaborative working with a wide range of stakeholders, partners and colleagues across Scotland, the UK and internationally, the centre’s team of rural and island healthcare subject experts are carrying out practical programmes of work and sharing knowledge and evidence that can inform and improve the design, delivery and evaluation of services for people living in remote, rural and island areas across Scotland.

For more information visit:

National Centre for Remote and Rural Health and Care: Information Hub | Turas | Learn (

The National Centre for Remote and Rural Health and Care Program (

Or contact


October, 08 2024