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NHS Education for Scotland

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Strathclyde adopts ‘Ask, Tell, Respond’ suicide prevention training

Strathclyde adopts ‘Ask, Tell, Respond’ suicide prevention training

Strathclyde adopts ‘Ask, Tell, Respond’ suicide prevention training

The University of Strathclyde has adopted a new learning resource to help its staff and students to engage in supportive conversations on mental health and suicide.

It is the first university in Scotland to adopt the ‘Ask, Tell, Respond’ resource, developed by Public Health Scotland (PHS) and NHS Education Scotland (NES).

Karen Wilson, Deputy Chief Executive (Clinical) and Director of Nursing, (Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals) in NES said:

“Since 2019, NES, in partnership with Public Health Scotland, have developed a suite of mental health improvement and suicide prevention resources to support education and workforce development.
“Following a successful collaboration over the last year with The University of Strathclyde, today on World Mental Health Day, we are pleased to extend the Ask, Tell Respond mental health and suicide prevention resources to the workforce and wider community within the University. We look forward to sharing and further developing this collaboration in the future.”

Read the full story at University of Strathclyde news

October, 11 2024