Scotland’s new non-medical cystoscopy bootcamp
The new non-medical cystoscopy bootcamp launched on 8 and 9 of November.
This course is the first key step on the new broader ‘once for Scotland’ non-medical cystoscopy education programme, commissioned by the Scottish Access Collaborative (SAC) to provide a unified training model, progress role development and expand the workforce to assist with service recovery.
Bootcamp has been designed to rapidly prepare learners new to cystoscopy with the practical knowledge and core skills they require to make a smooth transition to ‘hands on’ training and educational development.
A collaborative venture
The programme was developed by a multi-professional group, known as the Scottish Core Cystoscopy Education Group (SCCEG) established to provide strategic oversight, direction, and governance as well as programme development.
It comprises of experts in simulation-based learning (SBL) from the Clinical Skills Managed Education Network (CSMEN), clinical practitioners, through engagement with consultant urologists and non-medical cystoscopists, and senior educators from NES and the partner HEI – Glasgow Caledonian University. The Bootcamp element is hosted and delivered by the Dundee Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre (DCSSC).
Joint faculty delivery
It is particularly unique that bootcamp includes representatives from all aspects of the development group who were actively engaged in programme delivery and supporting as faculty at the event. This ensured shared expertise shaped course content, combining evidence-based practice and skill simulation-based education (SBE) with the crucial insight and real-world context provided by clinicians in service.
We anticipate that this collaborative working, and course delivery will promote ongoing interprofessional engagement, ownership, refinement, and evaluation of the course, which translates into a robust and authentic learner experience.
Lauren McIvor, Trainee ANP Urology, NHS Fife, said:
“I really enjoyed the bootcamp. It was wonderful to have some protected ‘hands on’ and get a chance to meet everyone involved particularly the other trainees and event faculty. It has shown me that there Is so much to learn and I can't wait to get started with the academic modules in January”
Allison Robertson, Nurse Cystoscopist- NHS Tayside, Clinical lead non-medical cystoscopy (DCSSC) Dundee Clinical Skills Simulation Centre added:
“Previously I had ran smaller courses for local delivery within the skills centre. These evaluate well but are never tested too far outside of the skill centre and delegate groups. The bootcamp was different. I thoroughly enjoyed the collaboration to design, test and validate the content that emerged by working more widely with representatives from SCCEG, NES and GCU. This process was reassuring and helped provide a vision of wider programme and how all the pieces fit together”
Fiona Fraser, Head of Programme, Acute NMaHP NHS Education for Scotland concluded:.
“The Core Cystoscopy Stakeholder Group were really delighted to develop the cystoscopy bootcamp to point of delivery. The importance of progressing capacity and capability of the non-medical workforce has been recognised as a crucial step in supporting Urology services expansion, recovery of diagnostic services and meeting peoples needs. A collaborative, joint delivery approach was used drawing together experts from service, education and simulation. This fostered mutual recognition of the merits of each of these areas and resulted in a robust, high quality and purposeful experience for both delegates and faculty, priming learners for the next steps in this professional development pathway”
What’s next?
We shared an abstract for presentation at the British Association of Urology Nursing (BAUN) conference on 29 November.
We also continue to explore the development of a digital logbook to further support the learner journey
We look forward to the launch of the new non-medical cystoscopy academic modules delivered by Glasgow Caledonian University in the new year as part of the wider Post-Graduate Diploma (PG Dip) award.
Further information on the non-medical cystoscopy programme can be found on Turas Learn - Non-medical cystoscopy | Turas | Learn (nhs.scot)
December, 07 2021