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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Remote and rural primary care research and evaluation funding opportunity

Remote and rural primary care research and evaluation funding opportunity

Remote and rural primary care research and evaluation funding opportunity

Calling all remote and rural practitioners! Do you want to expand on a QI project or have an idea for some further research in your field? The NES National Centre for Remote and Rural Health and Care has funding available!

The opportunity

If you work in primary care in one of Scotland's rural or remote areas then you could be eligible for research and evaluation funding from the National Centre. We invite applications for 2024/25 funding that:

  • contribute to the evidence base for remote, rural and island health and care research or evaluation
  • increase your professional development as a remote, rural or island primary care practitioner

We will consider funding applications for:

  • postgraduate research e.g. Masters, PhD, EdD, MRes etc.
  • other professional development work where it can be shown to contribute to post-graduate level remote, rural, and island research and/or evaluation
  • publication costs, e.g. journal articles, open access articles etc.

How to apply

Applications for funding should be submitted via our online application form.

The Funding Selection Panel will review each application and contact applicants within five working days of the review meeting.

Applications are open until 1 March 2025, or until the allocation of all available funding, so early application is encouraged.

Ask us anything

If you are thinking of applying for funding but would like to know more or would like to ask us questions about the funding opportunity, we would be happy to arrange a catch up to discuss your project idea or provide guidance for your application.

Contact to arrange a catch up.

More information

For full details of this funding opportunity including selection criteria, and application
deadlines please visit our page on Turas, the workforce learning platform by NES, or contact



January, 07 2025