NHS Louisa Jordan Pharmacy services led by NES Pharmacy Associate Postgraduate Pharmacy Dean
NHS Louisa Jordan Pharmacy services led by NES Pharmacy Associate Postgraduate Pharmacy Dean
Chief Pharmaceutical Officer Rose Marie Parr requestedSusan Roberts, Associate Postgraduate Pharmacy Dean, NES, to take on responsibility as the Chief Pharmacist for the new Louisa Jordan Hospital (NHSLJH) at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre in Glasgow. The pharmacy services at the NHSLJH are now hosted by NHSGGC and Director of Pharmacy Gail Caldwell. Susan and Leanne Murphy (a Practice Educator from the NES Pharmacy team) were both redeployed to be part of the team to set up the pharmacy services in the new hospital which became operational on 20 April 2020.
The Louisa Jordan hospital has approximately 1000 beds, including 90 with ICU capacity. In the initial (phase 1) model, the Louisa Jordan will be used as a step-down facility for stable patients with a defined management and estimated discharge date already in place. The hospital is now operational and ready to receive up to 40 patients.
Over the last three weeks the pharmacy led by Susan Roberts (Chief Pharmacist) have been involved with:
- designing the physical pharmacy, pharmacy store and clean ward utility stores
- helping procure all equipment and furniture for these areas
- developing and procuring the medication stock list for the hospital
- procuring and ensuring appropriate storage of oxygen cylinders
- developing the clinical and dispensary service model
- developing standard operating procedures and work instructions for all key processes
- developing processes for controlled drugs
- producing training and induction materials for staff
- testing medical gasses for quality assurance
Susan Roberts and Leanne Murphy from the NES Pharmacy Team.
Staff, including pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacy support workers, from across the West of Scotland (WoS) Board areas have been identified to provide the initial service for up to 40 beds. Further workforce projections have been provided to the WoS Boards for potential future expansion.
April, 28 2020