New learning resource from NES and Public Health Scotland
NES and Public Health Scotland (PHS), have produced a new learning resource for vaccinators - Introduction to Flu.
The resource is structured into four units, covering:
- seasonal flu
- legal aspects of vaccination administration
- the Scottish adult flu immunisation programme
- the Scottish child and school immunisation programme
The resource is designed to support the various categories of flu vaccinators in Scotland, including:
- new immunisers (both registered and health care support workers)
- returning (or redeployed) staff who may have participated in vaccination delivery previously but perhaps not for some time
- current, experienced vaccination staff
New or returning vaccinators may find it useful to complete all four units. Current, experienced vaccinators may use selected units as an update.
Jacqueline McFadyen, Education Lead with Public Health Scotland, said:
We are thrilled to launch this new interactive e-learning resource today. We hope that it will help support staff across health and social care involved in the flu immunisation programme, both experienced and new.
We think it will complement our existing resources and supports vaccinators to continue to provide safe, effective and person-centred vaccination care.
This new resource has also been designed to complement existing resources such as the Promoting Effective Immunisation Practice (PEIP) programme for new immunisers and the a Knowledge Self Appraisal Tool for more experienced vaccinators.
Introduction to Flu vaccine learning resource
Contact: immunisation-resource@nes.scot.nhs.uk
September, 01 2021