New essential learning module 'Introduction to Equality, Diversity and Human Rights'
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) has launched a new essential learning module: Introduction to Equality, Diversity and Human Rights, developed with the input and expertise of our partners.
This module replaces the existing essential learning module on Turas. Health Boards and health and social care organisations are encouraged to use this module to meet their essential learning needs – a Once for Scotland approach.
Learners will be introduced to:
- equality and human rights responsibilities
- discrimination, harassment, and inappropriate behaviour in the workplace
- the meaning of key words and why language is important and
- actions they can take
Knowledge checks throughout the module help guide learning and a final quiz will test learning.
The module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. You can access the module on the TURAS Equality and Diversity Zone under Introduction to equality, diversity and human rights.
You must be logged in to your TURAS Learn account to view and access the eLearning module on this page: Sign in to TURAS Learn. If you do not have a TURAS Learn account, you can sign up for one.
For further information please contact the NES Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Team.
Contact: nes.equalityteam@nhs.scot
January, 10 2024