NES Strategy 2023-26: People, Partnerships and Performance
We recently asked our stakeholders for feedback on our new Strategy for 2023-26, People, Partnership and Performance.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond - we’re delighted to announce that the strategy has now been signed off by NES’s Board.
At the heart of it is our fundamental belief in being adaptive, creative and responsive to the needs of the workforce and the communities they serve.
The strategy sets out our goal over the next three years of working with Scottish Government, the health and social care sector, academia, and regulators to develop new leadership and innovation programmes, support succession planning and talent management, and create new education and training routes that meet the needs of our population.
We listened to your feedback, which highlighted themes such as the importance of supporting staff wellbeing, the sustainability of our health and social care services, NES’s role in reducing health inequalities and the need to innovate.
These themes and more have been reflected in our finalised strategy. It sets out how we will explore new models of education and training in collaboration with partners across health and social care disciplines, as well as supporting the acceleration of skills development in areas key to service transformation, including leadership, digital and data.
You can find out more about how we will support better rights-based quality care and outcomes for every person in Scotland through a skilled, capable and resilient health and social care workforce on our website.
July, 21 2023