NES Healthcare Built Environment team launches knowledge and skills framework
The NES Healthcare Built Environment Team are delighted to announce the launch of their Knowledge and Skills Framework, Preventing and Reducing Infection and other risks in the healthcare built environment today, 1 September 2022.
The framework is to support the learning and development needs of NHS Scotland staff and its partners and was developed, in conjunction with key stakeholders, to support Scottish Government priorities in the provision of safe healthcare facilities.
The framework also has the potential for wider use by organisations that work in partnership with the NHS, including building contractors and suppliers, to support collaborative working practice.
The overarching aim is to support the educational development of NHS staff and external partners in acquiring the knowledge and skills to prevent and control the potential risks of harm posed by healthcare facilities.
The framework will be hosted on Healthcare Built Environment (HBE) learning zone where you will also find an accompanying user guide.
Contact: nes.hbe@nhs.scot
September, 01 2022