Join us to celebrate AHP's Day 2021!
Thursday 14 October is AHP’s day.
Colleagues across 14 allied health professions (AHP’s), the third largest clinical workforce in the NHS, will come together to celebrate being part of the AHP family.
Rachael Brandreth, a dietitian and Carrie Biddle, a speech and language therapist came up with the idea to celebrate, appreciate and recognise the extraordinary work of the AHP workforce.
The 4 key messages this year are:
- #celebrate who AHP’s are, the people they work with and the impact they can make every day
- #appreciate their skills and impact on care and support in our local communities
- #inspire the future workforce and ensuring the AHP workforce continues to grow
- #connect with others
How to get involved:
- Take part in our Twitter challenge
- Download one of the four posters – write your message, take a photo and share
- Change your social media profile picture to the logo
In the run up to AHP’s day we invited school children, guidance teachers and those working in career support roles to submit questions to a panel of AHP’s. On the day you can view the responses, share and join the conversation on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Remember to use #AHPsDayScot #AHPsDay #celebrate #appreciate #inspire #connect in your social media posts.
Don’t use social media? You can still get take part by changing your MS Team background, checking out the AHP Scot Blog. or videos posted on our YouTube channel.
Information about AHP Careers can be found on the NHS Scotland Careers website.
Contact: corpcomms@nes.scot.nhs.uk
October, 14 2021