iDiabetes – a framework for precision medicine in diabetes
The SCI-Diabetes team at NES Technology Service are part of an innovative project for diabetes care.
iDiabetes is a collaboration between NES, University of Dundee, University of Aberdeen and NHS Tayside.
William Urquhart, Operational Manager for SCI-Diabetes said:
“The iDiabetes project team are developing a new clinical platform, which will allow enhanced testing and more sophisticated analysis of patients’ health data. This will help clinicians to better understand each person’s diabetes, as well as their risk for complications, meaning that treatment can be tailored to the exact needs of individual patients.
“Annual patient reviews will be completed in SCI-Diabetes using the new developed primary care review form. Clinical data will be gathered and sent to the iDiabetes engine via an API using the FHIR structure.
“Clinicians will be able to access the iDiabetes dashboard via the SCI-Diabetes application and receive real-time updates and alerts relating to patient care, generated from iDiabetes.”
SCI-Diabetes provides web-based access with the Scottish wide area network (SWAN) to a shared electronic record to support the care and self-management for people living with Diabetes. It provides one diabetes system for NHS Scotland across all 14 territorial Health Boards.
A two month pilot of iDiabetes will go live in July 2024 at 6 NHS Tayside GP practices, followed by a rollout across the NHS Tayside. The iDiabetes project is expected to run for two years.
Contact: nes.scidcsupport@nhs.scot
June, 18 2024