Healthcare Science annual trainees and supervisors event
Around 120 Healthcare Science trainees attended our eighth annual event on 7 February in Edinburgh.
The day included:
- exploring NES's role in quality assuring the state of training across nearly 200 national training number holders
- presenting awards to current trainees; the winning posters covered medical physics, genetics and cell pathology.
Our role in quality assurance
Each year NES Healthcare Science ask trainees and supervisors to submit an outline training plan and provide evidence of annual progression monitoring (ARCP). For 2019-20 around 95% of trainees have made satisfactory returns. Our core team then follows up non-responders as past evidence shows that these individuals and/or their training centres are the source of concerns.
Activity in 2020
In 2020 we will begin the process of renewing recognition of training centres, which is repeated every four years. There are over 160 such training centres associated with our trainees and will be communicating with the relevant centres mid-year.
We have been in touch with Health Education England's National School for Healthcare Science to investigate the scope for aligning our respective approaches to this type of recognition.
Our national event will take place on 4 and 5 June at the Royal Society in Edinburgh and will include a workshop specifically on 4-country approaches to training centre recognition.
Scottish Government Integrated Workforce Plan Dec 2019 - Healthcare Science elements
Scottish Government published its Integrated Workforce Plan for Health and Social Care in December 2019. Specific reference was made to support for the cardiac physiology workforce. NES Healthcare Science is in discussion with Scottish Government colleagues as to how to address this ambition. We expect to be in contact with service shortly.
Contact: Jennifer McColgan
February, 26 2020