Get more out of virtual meetings
What do you use for your virtual meetings? Teams, Skype, GoTo Meeting, WebEx or VC?
Did you know that Teams allow you to have an online meeting with anyone? They do not need to be a NES, NHS or Office 365 account holder.
And did you know that Skype for Business is being discontinued by Microsoft within the Office 365 suite?
These are just some of the tips contained in the latest Office 365 Tips and Tricks discussions on Yammer, led by Annette Thain and her colleagues
Under the banner of the SMARTER Working programme, NES Digital are providing regular hints and tips for using some of the tools available. This will hopefully make it easier and encourage everyone to experiment to find what suits you for different purposes.
If you have any comments or suggestions of topics, then please add to Yammer or email Annette Thain or David Rome.
To access the latest guide, click here. Or join the discussion over on Yammer.
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