Fellowship Award sucess for Val Findlay
At its recent National Conference 2023 in Bristol, Val Findlay, Senior Educator at NES, received the prestigious Association of Pharmacy Technicians UK (APTUK) Fellowship Award. It recognised her outstanding contribution to the education, training, and development of pharmacy technicians. During her 40-year career as a pharmacy technician Val has spent 25 years specialising in education and training.
The photo, reproduced with the permission of the Association of Pharmacy Technicians UK, shows Val Findlay (left) receiving her Fellowship Award from Nicola Stockmann, APTUK Vice President.
Val is a key contributor to education and training for pharmacy technician and pharmacy support staff in Scotland and the UK. She participated in the review and development of the pharmacy national occupational standards and provided leadership for the development of the Vocational Training Foundation Programme for Pharmacy Technicians, and the General Practice Learning Pathway for Pharmacy Technicians.
Currently Val is leading the development of a national pre-registration trainee pharmacy technician training scheme. She is also the NES lead on widening access to pharmacy careers and improved training for pharmacy support staff using modern apprenticeship routes. Val is a source of expert knowledge and collaborates with key people and groups to ensure best outcomes are achieved.
The Fellowship Award recognises the values Val shares with the Association of Pharmacy Technicians. Her professionalism, commitment, and integrity, combined with her collaborative and visionary approach to the development of the pharmacy technician profession, clearly demonstrate her contribution.
Contact: corpcomms@nes.scot.nhs.uk
October, 18 2023