Digital and data skills resource hub: pilot phase
To support the development of digital and data skills across the health and social care workforce, we want to centralise relevant learning resources within an online hub.
The hub will host free content to ensure staff have the digital and data skills required to do their job and develop their career. Resources will be tailored and provide learning content in a range of different formats and lengths.
The pilot phase of the Hub is launching in March and colleagues across health, social care and housing are invited to sign up for early access and help to determine which resources are the best quality and most helpful for the role they do.
Anyone working or volunteering within the sector can register to receive a link to the hub where they’ll have the chance to browse and access over 200 free resources before leaving feedback via a short online evaluation form.
Register here to join the pilot
For more information or to discuss further contact Hilary Lowe, Digital Workforce Specialist Lead in the Digitally Enabled Workforce (DEW) Team by email at Hilary.Lowe@nhs.scot.
Contact: jennifer.mccolgan@nhs.scot
March, 06 2024