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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Dealing with Death and Bereavement at Work

Dealing with Death and Bereavement at Work

Dealing with Death and Bereavement at Work

The NES Bereavement Education Programme has launched a film developed with colleagues from NHS Grampian.

Dealing with Death and Bereavement at Work: Perspectives from an Emergency Department Team highlights the experiences of staff as they encounter situations involving death and bereavement in the course of their work.

Key themes include:

  • ways in which staff can look after themselves and their colleagues
  • the impact death and bereavement can have on all team members, including those in non-clinical roles, for example reception, administrative and portering staff

The film can be used by individuals or groups as a reflective tool to consider how they have dealt with their own experiences of death and bereavement at work.

Additional Resources

It is important to be mindful that people working in portering services and other non-clinical roles can also encounter situations where a person is at the end of their life, has died or is bereaved.

A range of educational and support resources are available for all health and social care staff on bereavement topics, including:

Other bereavement-related educational materials for staff can be found on the NES Support Around Death website or by following @NES_Bereavement on X.

For any questions please contact

If you have been affected by a bereavement situation at work you are encouraged to seek support. Many sources of support are available, for example your line manager, Spiritual Care team, employee assistance programme and peer support networks.

August, 21 2024