Celebrating our allied health professionals on #AHPDay2020
Allied health professionals (AHPs) make a huge contribution to healthcare in a range of settings. From art therapists to radiographers to occupational therapists to paramedics, AHPs are central to the NHS.
AHP day has been running since 2018 as mainly a social media campaign where AHPs and colleagues share examples of their work and contribution to the health and social care of patients. This year, the AHP workforce got involved in greater numbers than ever. Both in the run up and on the day.
The four key themes of this year’s celebration were:
- connect
- inspire
- appreciate
- celebrate
We heard from health boards, individuals, organisations celebrating the unique contribution AHPS make every day.
NES used the opportunity to highlight the support we offer to the AHP workforce, resources available, and encourage staff to share their stories of using these, by developing a three-week programme of social media activity.
Gail Nash, AHP practice education co-ordinator at NES who helped plan the activity, said:
“We were really keen to plan activity that would encourage as many AHPs as possible to feel engaged, recognised for their contribution and that they are appreciated.
We know that education is key and wanted to ensure staff were aware of what NES can offer”
Find out more about the #AHPDay celebration activity
Find out about careers in the allied health professions at the NHS Scotland careers website
December, 16 2020