Adults with Incapacity Masterclass
There’s still time to register for the Adults with Incapacity (AWI) masterclass which will be delivered by NES in partnership with the Mental Welfare Commission Scotland on Thursday 24 August (10.30am - 12 noon).
The session is aimed at all health, social work and social care professionals working with adults. It will examine key aspects of the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 - including the principles, deprivation of liberty and actions possible.
The focus of this second session will be informed by questions raised during the first AWI masterclass, as well as questions asked during the registration process.
This masterclass is just one of many resources being developed on the recently launched Once for Scotland – Adults with Incapacity Turas learning site to support workforce development of knowledge and understanding of the Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000.
Masterclass 2 - Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000
Delivered via MS Teams on Thursday 24 August 2023 (10.30am - 12 noon)
Places are limited, please register your interest here
Registrations will close at noon on Friday 18 August 2023
Please contact nes.adults.awi@nhs.scot with any comments or feedback.
A recording of the first AWI masterclass delivered by Mr Adrian D Ward MBE in February 2023 is available here.
Note: You will need a Turas account to view - if you don’t have an account, you can register here.
Contact: nes.adults.awi@nhs.scot w
August, 10 2023